improvement of content in writing ability through genre-based approach

A.    Background
. Writing is important to support learning English especially in enriching vocabulary and gaining a large portion of their education. Therefore, the writer consider that writing could be taught at junior high schools. Due to the importance of writing explained above, the teachers had to develop students’ writing ability since it is the first stage they learned English. By developing students’ ability to write well, the teachers developed their students’ ability to become more independent learners, as the students could be able to reproduce language accurately and refine their understanding of grammar and developed their own vocabulary. The better students improve their writing ability, the better they reach the achievement in writing  Teachers, therefore, should explore a new productive strategy in brightening writing classes in order to encourage students in learning writing skill. They should create interesting and entertaining materials to motivate the students’ active responds in doing writing exercise. After the teaching and learning process and all the materials were given to the students, there was expectation that students made a progress in their study. To knew whether the students made some progress in their study, it was useful for teacher to conduct a test or an examination at the end of a program. So the students were motivated to learn and master the materials which was taught by the teacher.
There were many reasons for getting students’ to write, both in and outside class. Writing gives they more thinking time then they get when they attempt spontaneous conversation. This allows them more opportunity for language processing, that was thinking about the language. When thinking about writing, it was helpful to make a distinction between writing for learning and writing for writing. In the case of the former, writing is used as a practice tool to help students practice and work with language they have been studying. When we give example, ask a class to write five sentences using by using a given structure, or using five of the new words they learned. Writing activity like this are designed to give reinforcement to the students.
The kinds of writing we ask student to do could depend as most other things do, on their age, level learning styles and interests. We won’t get beginners to try to put together a complex narrative composition in English.
In helping the students to write, we need to consider with the gender. A gender was a type of writing which members of a discourse community would instantly recognize for what it was. Thus we recognize a small add in newspaper the moment we see it because, being members of a particular group, or community, we have seen many such texts before and are familiar with the way they are constructed.
According  to  the   information, the  researches  got  the real  fact  of  the
situation in learning at SMA N 1 Tompobulu, The researcher got information from the English teacher and colleagues. Which in fact, class XI kept a big potency but they were still have a difficulty in expressing their ideas. The students’ ability was still proportional where, there were student which so predominate the class other student tend to passive. Beside that, based on the data source indicated that the students’ mean score was still low (60). Therefore the students’ mean score was still low because the successful minimal criterion (KKM) is 65.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher intended to improve students’ ability to write. It means that the researcher has target to improve the students’ mean score in writing until 7.0 through genre based approach.
This circumstance opened the researcher mind to take the strategy to maximize their potency. In this case, the researcher found a good way to improve the students’ writing ability through genre-based approach.
B.     Problem statement
            By looking at the background above, the problem statement of this research was formulated follows:
1.      How is the students’ improvement of content in writing ability through genre-based approach at the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Tompobulu?
2.      How is the students’ improvement of organization in writing ability through genre-based approach at the second year student of SMA Negeri 1 Tompobulu?
C.    Objective of the Study
This research aims to find out;
1.      The improvement of the students’ content of writing ability by using genre based approach.
2.      The improvement of the students’ organization of writing ability by using genre-based approach.
D.    Significance of the Study
The result of this research was expected to be an alternative contribution to increase writing ability and helpful information for teachers of English in teaching English to increase their quality in teaching English specially the writing teaching and finally as the intention for improve the student content and organization of writing ability. Students were hoped to use the result of the research to make their writing ability better than


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