students’ speaking proficiency through cooperative learning in terms of think pair square technique


A.     Background
                 In this trend of globalization, the most important language being used among countries, institutions and individuals all over the world is the English language. Therefore, English has come to be considered globally as the international or global language. Some have asserted that it is far from inevitable that the spread of English will continue. However unstoppable it may appear at present, and educational systems need to prepare for this eventuality (John E. Joseph, 2001).
                 English is a language as a means of communication that requires a habit of practice. Therefore, speaking in this case is one of the skills that becomes a priority for all people especially learners of English to learn. Students express their thoughts speaking but the fact shows that they sometimes find themselves bereft and absolutely it gives bad impact to the English learning process. For this reason, the researcher wants to emphasize on improving the speaking proficiency` in the English learning process.
                  The researcher considers a phenomenon among the students at SMAN 2 Sengkang RSBI, Wajo Regency, who emphasizes on learning speaking proficiency. That is to say, almost every one of them wishes to speak, but they find themselves difficult and even bereft to express it. It is because they do not have vocabulary stock and knowledge about grammar enough that actually can lead them from accuracy to fluency. This, of course, results in lacking confidence to speak in which they are afraid of making mistakes in speaking. In this case, the researcher focuses his attention on the speaking proficiency as one of the skill of language. The students are usually very eager to produce the language but they sometimes find it difficult.  Chastain (1976: 334) cities that learning to speak is obviously more difficult that learning to understand the speaking language.
            The Study of co-operative is a study system giving opportunity to the children to cooperate with duties that are structure (Lie, 1999:12). Through this study, students with group mutual assistance every member of group of helping each other, so that in working that is same quickly must assist weak, therefore every member of group of final assessment determined by success of group. Failure of individual is failure of group and conversely success of individual student is success of group. While telling in couple is one of type in co-operative study.
            Based on the background above, the researcher would like to carry out a research under the title ‘improving the students’ speaking proficiency through cooperative learning in terms of think pair square technique.
B.     Problem Statements
Based on the background above the researcher formulates question as follows:
How is the improvement of students’ speaking accuracy and fluency taught through cooperative learning in term of think pair square technique?
C.  Objective of the study
The objective of this research is:
To explain can cooperative learning in term of think pair square can improve the students’ accuracy and fluency in speaking.

D.  Significance of the Study
The result of the research is expected to be a meaningful input for the teaching device that can help the teachers find their easy communicative way of teaching the language and absolutely deal with the success of teaching speaking proficiency in learning process and it is expected to be meaningful for the students in learning the language so as to easily be able to understand and use it then either in their classroom or outside. Besides that, it is also expected to be a valuable reference for either the university, those who will do another research relating to this case or the writers for the English teaching development in future.
E.  Scope of the Study
The scope of this research is limited to the application of cooperative learning in term of think pair square to improve students’ English speaking proficiency on students at SMAN 2 Sengkang RSBI in academic year 2010 which covers both accuracy and fluency.


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