The Application of Contra-Tricentric Method to Improve the Students’ Speaking Ability (A Classroom Action Research)



This chapter present background, problem statement, objective of the research, significance of the research, scope of the research.
A.    Background
Language is the most important aspect in human interaction. People communicate and interaction with others using the language. In widely community, English has become international language. Most of the community in the whole word use English in order; they can communicate with others who have different language. From this English language is important to be teaching and learning by the students. And as the form of our government’s response toward this case, English language is put in the educational system in our country and it is teaching from elementary school until university and become a compulsory subject. In other word, English has become a part of our life because it is very important vehicle for developing the country. Therefore, every one must be able to use it in speaking.
In the fact, one problem that usually find is that the students are capable of structure or reading, but still have the lack of speaking. Speaking is one of complex skills need to train continuously and surely in conductive situation, it is one of skills that become priority in English learning process. Without it learning process cannot be willing to work wither in class. Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning of contexts (Chaney,??????? ????????

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